Tyre Racking Design
Quite often the starting point for these types of enquiry is “what is the maximum number of tyres that can be stored in an area?” or “how can I maximise the number of tyres I can store?” You may be considering a new unit or extension to your existing premises but need to know what can be achieved in terms of storage capacity before you commit. Our design team have many years’ experience in providing this type of solution and there are a number of methods we can suggest to help accomplish your goals.

Tyre Racking Installations
Before we commence any installations a full set of RAMS will be submitted to you. These can then be discussed and agreed prior to any work commencing.
Quite often on larger installations the racking can be handed over to the client in stages to allow for tyres to be stored into newly built tyre racks as we progress. Most sites are quite congested when this type of work is being carried out and we understand the importance of allowing your own operation to continue whilst we are carrying out the storage improvements. We always work together with you and our fitters always have a very flexible approach whilst we are on your site.
As standard we always recommend that our tyre racking systems are bolted down to the floor. We also always provide the load notices that are a statutory H&S requirement with any storage system installation.
Please get in touch for a copy of our FREE 600 page storage and workplace equipment catalogue.